Keeping My Mom Life Organized: 6 Rules I Live By
I’m not a big fan of the whole “balance” thing that a lot of moms try to achieve.
Because it’s okay NOT to have this perfect balance between everything when you’re a mom. In fact – I think it’s safe to say it’s not a real thing.
Moms wear so many hats. We’re teachers, problem-solvers, referees, entrepreneurs, professionals, psychologists, coaches, cheerleaders, and everything in between. There’s not really a way that you can create a balance between all that. Instead, they each have their own place at their own time, and that’s 100% okay.
Regardless, I do think it’s super important to organize what you can in your life so that you can wear each hat more efficiently. No one’s perfect; we all mess up. We all have our good and bad days. But I do believe there are always things we can do to make our mom lives a little less chaotic every day!
This is what I do to calm the craziness:
Planning is important to me. I forget things (surprise!), and I like having a detailed plan that keeps me on track. I’m a list maker. I make a list every Sunday/Monday of what I need to get done for the week at home and in my business. This is my “master” list, you could say.
Then I make a daily list from that, so if I need groceries or there are any upcoming birthday parties or appointments, I can schedule them in. Then I can combine work tasks into these lists.
I use two paper planners to help me sketch it all out: The Day Designer, which is perfect for planning out my personal stuff every day and week, and Carrie Green’s Perfectly Planned Planner, which helps me keep track of my business stuff. I don’t know what I would do without these planners that declutter my brain and get everything on paper. A lot of people look at me weird when I say I use 2 planners. I’ve tried it other ways (big wall calendar, digital calendar, my phone..), this is what works for me. I encourage you to figure out whatever system will work for you best and then utilize it. On the regular 🙂
You know how they say that chores are beneficial for kids? They teach responsibility, hard work, manners, etc. Well, they happen to be really good for moms too.
I try to delegate as much as possible to my boys. So, they do the trash, they pack their own lunches, they help a TON with my youngest, and they even do their own laundry (it’s not always pretty but whatever). It’s so important for me to teach my boys how to be active, helpful members of the family, but it’s just as crucial for me to have this help to keep things running smoothly.
There are days that I just don’t feel like cleaning the kitchen after dinner. Or tidying up the bathroom after everyone takes their showers. Those days are rare but they do sometimes happen when I have extremely long or emotionally-trying days. And that’s totally okay with me. I grant myself that leeway. Lawd knows if it’s gotten to that point, I need the break.
Most days, however, I really rely on one of the most important pieces of advice my mom ever gave me. She taught me to get everything back to organized (or zero) at night. I follow this 98% of the time. I pick up, tidy, clean the counters, etc. so that when I get up in the morning, I’m not waking up to a mess. What’s a few extra minutes at night to have a more organized morning? Priceless in my book.
I am so not afraid to admit that I need help. As moms, we box ourselves into this mold where we feel like we need to be perfect all the time. It’s weird – people have no problem outsourcing jobs to others when they have a business but they’re afraid of what others will think if they do it in their personal lives too. Like if we ask for help, people are going to judge us.
I say – judge away! There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. In fact, this is totally a method of not only keeping my sanity but, as I age, it’s a method for me to spend less time doing things I really (REALLY) don’t like to do.
I have a housekeeper and a nanny that help me keep it together so I can work and be a mom. They’ve become vital pieces of my everyday puzzle and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When my home stays organized (thanks to the help of these amazing women!) my whole life feels more organized. #winning
Having said all that, just about every day something goes awry and messes with the ideal day I had planned in my head. The kids need to be driven somewhere. Someone gets sick, the dog has an unexpected vet visit or ran away…You name it.
There’s no amount of planning in the world that can stop random things from happening, so it’s necessary to give yourself (and family) some grace. Be flexible and work through whatever pops up. In the grand scheme of things – it’s no big deal.
My last bit of advice here, but probably the most important: Always remind yourself that you are doing enough! Organization is great, but you just can’t plan everything. The way you deal with those unexpected things is what will make or break your ability to keep moving forward.
I’ve learned over the years to be easier on myself. When I’m not so Type A, I actually feel more organized and prepared overall – kind of funny how that works! Stay motivated and on top of things, but be resilient. Don’t let mistakes and unexpected events stand in the way of your incredible Mom life! It will be okay and you’re crushing it!
I’d love to hear from you! What tricks or tips do you have for other moms to stay more organized? What works for you and what have you tried that doesn’t work so well? Leave me a comment and let me know!
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