7 Ways to Snag Some Me-Time Every Day
Moms don’t get a lot of breaks. We need to squeeze in a few moments to ourselves whenever/however we can, am I right?
How good are you at remembering to take time for yourself. Bwahahahah, just kidding. I already know the answer to that. BUT… taking even small amounts of “me-time” every day can do amazing things for us (lower stress levels, makes us happier, and improves our outlook on life). But you already know that (and so do I), so why don’t we do it more? Why don’t we prioritize ourselves? Oh, right. I know. Because we’re doing so many other things! If I wasn’t driving my kids to 72 different places every day…Well, you know that story:) In all seriousness, it’s every bit as important for us, as moms, to put ourselves somewhere near the top of that to-do list. And I really mean that. Whenever I get a massage or read on our deck, I really do feel so much better. So, I wanted to give you (and me!) some ideas for some easy ways to squeeze in some downtime each day.
Wake Up Early
Whether you’re a morning person or not, waking up just 20 minutes before anyone else can be a life-changer. That’s 20 minutes of silence that you have to do whatever it is that makes you happy. And, hello? I can literally accomplish 100 x’s in silence what I can accomplish with 3 kids saying my name. No interruptions is a perfect way to jump-start your day and put you in a zen-like state, ready to take on whatever life throws your way.
Connect With a Friend
After becoming a mom, time seems to whiz by so fast that we don’t realize how fast it’s going. Days, weeks, and even months go by before we remember that it’s been forever since we talked to our friends.
Chatting with your bestie can be one of the best ways to pull you back to Earth. Take ten minutes in your day to call a friend or send her a voice text. This little gesture goes a long way.
Write in a Journal
Even if you don’t like writing, you’ll be surprised by how therapeutic journaling can be for your mind and soul. If the handwritten word isn’t your thing, you can use your computer to start a journal! Create a password-protected document or write a private post on your blog.
Journaling lets you say whatever’s on your mind and has an incredible way of opening your eyes and giving perspective. Think of it as a way to release those trapped thoughts that are nagging at you so that you can move on with your day in a positive way.
Take Yourself to Lunch
You are your own best company! When you’re stressed and need a break, sometimes the best thing you can do is remind yourself just how awesome you are. Take yourself on a date to your favorite restaurant or hit the mall and grab that shirt you’ve been eyeballing in the window.
We all have our moments in life when we don’t feel worthy of anything special. The truth is we work hard and deserve rewards for everything we do each day. YOU deserve a treat. Turn your lunch break into your special time to remind yourself just how much you deserve it.
Dance it Out
There’s a reason you feel good when you finally have a chance to go out with your spouse or girlfriends kid-free, listen to some live music and dance like no one’s watching, and it isn’t just because you got to escape your house for a few hours. Both music and dancing are like fuel for your brain.
Research shows music and dance work together in a way that can boost your brain health. While music stimulates the brain and releases dopamine to make us feel good, dance has been shown to improve your mood, lower stress levels, and even reduce the risk of dementia.
When you have a few extra minutes in your day, turn on some feel-good tunes, let your hair down and dance!
Act Like a Kid
There’s almost nothing more therapeutic than letting yourself go and acting like a kid again, even if it’s only for ten minutes a day. Kids know how not to dwell on things and enjoy little moments in life. That’s why they’re so happy and carefree!
Go to a pond and feed the ducks. Swing at the park. Play Words with Friends (like, YOUR friends). Summon your inner child and do whatever it is that you would have done as a kid to make yourself happy.
Take an Online Course
One of the best ways to take time for you is to invest in yourself. Whether you’re stuck at a job you don’t love or you’ve already started your dream business, there’s always something you can do to further yourself.
Online courses are a great way to do that because they’re flexible. You can complete them at your own pace when it works with your family’s schedule, even if that means taking 15 or 20 minutes each night before bed to read over course materials (or, remember those extra 20 minutes in the morning?).
A new course can be fun too. Don’t think you have to take something business-related just to move ahead. This is time for you, so take a course you’ve always dreamed of even if it sounds silly to everyone else.
With some creativity, you can squeeze in time every day to make sure you get the break you need for your body, mind, and soul. I want to know how you have “me-time”! Leave me a comment and let me know your favorite way to divulge in yourself!
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