My Ins and Outs for 2025
Y’all, I love a list. Like… I really do.
Give me a renovations list (PLEASE!), give me a to-do list, give me a bucket list, just… give me a list.
And I’m a happy gal.
Lately, I’ve been looooving the ins and outs list trend that we’ve been seeing all over TikTok and Instagram — and I obviously needed to create my own.
First up, we have my ins: AKA, the things I want to do *more* of, to help my clients do more of, and to see more of next year. Then, we have my outs: AKA, the things I want to do *less* of, to help my clients to less of, and to see less of.
Like I said… I love a list.
So, to celebrate, here we go.
My Ins and Outs for 2025:
My Ins:
- Authentic storytelling in video ads: People want things that they feel are REAL, and the key to this is making sure that, um, things are REAL. I’m so into this kind of authentic, raw storytelling this year — especially as it comes to ad campaigns.
- Elevated athleisure: As someone who tries to get (mostly) ready to work from home every day, elevated athleisure is the MOVE. More polished than a typical oversized crew and ratty leggings, but more relaxed than a button-down and jeans.
- Unfiltered content online: I am convinced that people THIIIIINK we’re in an unfiltered content age — but that really we’re in a *pretend* unfiltered content age, and I’m kinda over it. I’m very into the actually unfiltered, unplanned content as it comes this year because that’s what I want to see from everyone else too!
- Bed by 10 PM: Enough. Said. Your girl HAS. TO. SLEEP. (And has to stop staying awake until way too late scrolling, reading, and thinking about work. SOS.)
- Diversifying ad spend (YouTube! Pinterest! TikTok!): People use the internet in a myriad of ways, so why aren’t we all focusing BIG time on diversifying ad spending? I’m all about spreading the wealth this year for big results, and want everyone else to follow in our footsteps.
- Polished ad creative: While I want more unfiltered content in itself, I also want more intentional and polished ad creative. (I am a woman of many sides, okay?) And, here’s why — the polished creative performs better, holds you to a higher standard, and makes your audience feel like you’ve got it together.
My Outs:
- Caffeine addiction: As someone who could quite literally drink 64 oz of coffee and Diet Coke every day, I KNOW I have a caffeine addiction. A big one. We gotta stop. I know.
- Being quiet about my goals and dreams: Things don’t happen if you don’t speak them into existence, and we have to OWN. THIS. We just have to. Who is with me?!
- Perfectly aesthetic home decor: Do you know what I love? Aesthetic home decor. Do you know what I REALLY love? Home decor with heart. And character. And story. More of this, please.
- Forcing trends that aren’t ACTUALLY authentic to your brand: In the world of the algorithm, it can be incredibly tempting to follow every trend that pops up — but it’s an absolute NO from me. Instead, let’s have fun with trends WHEN it’s time and WHEN it’s right. Who’s with me?
Alright, friends — I wanna hear your ins and outs, too! Hop on into my DMs to share yours.
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