6 Tips to Deep Clean Your Home
Deep cleaning is a necessary hurdle to overcome each year, but I’ve learned a lot of spring cleaning tips and tricks over the years that have helped me like it (or at least deal with it) a little more. I actually find it super satisfying to do a deep clean – my issue is always finding the time to do it but in some (probably screwed up) way, it’s a little therapeutic for me.
Hopefully, these spring cleaning tips will help you feel inspired to tackle the job. Think of it as a much-needed refresher for your home and your sanity.
1. Target One Room at a Time
The thought of deep cleaning can be overwhelming. For me, thinking about one room at a time instead of my whole house makes the process seem easier (even if it’s only in my head!). Break your home up into sections or rooms and tackle one each week. I will often make a list of all the things that are bugging me, which helps me put a priority to things. And then I find that if I have a pocket of time, I’ll conquer 1 of the things from my list. You’d be surprised how much I accomplish in this way.
2. Don’t Forget the Hidden Stuff
When it comes to cleaning, these are some of the things we forget about: Garbage disposals, every hidden part of your toilet (boy moms…Ya with me ?), the spare fridge (ours is in our garage and it never gets any love), your dryer lint vent, the oven, your coffee machine, the vacuum filter, etc.
Hint: I use a small slice of lemon to clean my garbage disposal. Just plunk it down in there. It gets rid of the odor and I’m pretty sure lemons clean all the things (don’t tell me if not?).
A paste of baking soda mixed with vinegar can easily clean oven racks and stovetops, while a mixture of half vinegar and half water run through the coffee machine can clean hard water and grime. In fact, vinegar and lemons come in handy for almost any deep-cleaning task!
3. Refresh Window Coverings without Ruining Them
Drapery can be tough to keep looking new because they’re a pain in the buns to take down and put back up. It’s something I avoid until the dust feels like it’s screaming at me.
Usually, though, all drapery needs is a few minutes in the dryer to get a quick refresher and remove dust and fur from pets. Toss a damp towel in with them and bounce them around for about 20 minutes or so. Remove them immediately and hang them to keep them from wrinkling. Or, if the wrinkles persist, use my favorite steamer to get them out in a flash.
4. Pick Up All the *ish That’s Been Sitting Around
In a house with 5 people, there’s no end, it seems, to little things that get put somewhere, on a tabletop, in the corner, on the desk…That are waiting to be put away. And sometimes that stuff just sits and sits, for months. Oftentimes we don’t put things away because it’s either not easy to put away (i.e. if you have to get a stepladder to pull open a cabinet, to open a bin to put something in it – that s*it is going to be sitting on the desk for a while right?) OR it doesn’t have a place (think: the morning after Christmas – where is this stuff going to go?). Now is the time to put everything in its place!
5. Get the Kids Involved with Age-Appropriate Tasks
Cleaning can be a good way to get kids involved with household responsibilities. If they have cleaning chores already, great! Have them do those chores more thoroughly than they would on a weekly basis. For example, cleaning out the cat’s litter box might turn into giving the litter box a full scrub-down.
Alternatively, you can put some cleaning supplies in a basket with a list of age-appropriate tasks for your child to complete. Dusting baseboards might be a good task for younger kids, while older ones can tackle mopping or cleaning windows.
6. Organize, Organize, Organize!
And the last thing – Organize! Every once in a while, I’ll find myself trying to shove something somewhere and it’s not working. The door won’t close or everything is falling out. We either have too much in that place and I need to purge and/or it’s no longer organized and needs some attention. So, take a look at what you’re having trouble putting away and then pinpoint why. You might need a new method of storage or to trade its place with something else. Be flexible – things don’t always have to stay the way you had them. And I firmly believe that the energy in my home feels so much better when things are organized and neat. I know for a fact that dealing with physical clutter helps with my mental clutter but I really do think it helps me to feel lighter and more peaceful. I know not everybody feels that way, but I sure do notice it.
What spring cleaning tips do you have to share with other readers? Leave them down below in the comments!
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