My Approach to Travel as a Remote Entrepreneur
I love travel.
Truly — there are few, few things I adore as much as looking out of a plane window, settling into a hotel bed, and seeing new worlds, cultures, and pieces of humanity unfold in front of me.
And, at the same time, there are also few things I adore as much as my business — working with incredible clients, guiding them through multi-six-figure launches, watching them scale their fantastic businesses.
These two things, friends, are why I think I view traveling as a remote entrepreneur a lot differently than some of my fellow CEOs do. See, I don’t look at travel as this completely rest-focused thing that has to involve unplugging entirely to be impactful. Instead, I look at travel as a beautiful, intentional time…
…that still usually requires a little bit of checking in for work on my part.
And, in all honesty, I’m fully okay with that. See, I very proudly run a business that lets me live my life. I run a business that gives me the time to take my kids to school, to get a massage in the middle of the day, to volunteer, to get my nails done, to spend Friday chapel at my baby’s school — you name it. I love EVERY second of running my business in this way, and it’s been something that I’ve purposely set up and engineered. This means that I very intentionally schedule in time for self-care and relaxation into my workweeks, and it means that vacation is a break — but not (usually) this desperately needed trip to escape my life.
My friends, I have to tell you: I think this is the best way that you can approach travel as a remote entrepreneur, too. I think that if we craft lives that make us yearn for vacations simply for the break from work, that we’re selling ourselves short and not building the lives and businesses that we deserve to have. And, don’t get me wrong — it’s not a bad thing NOT to answer emails from the coast of Italy. However, it’s not a bad thing to DO it, either, as long as you’re not overwhelmed by work and unable to step away. It’s a balance, you know? And for me, the best kind of balance involves being able to travel the world, spend an hour or so answering emails in the evening if I need, and spending my workweeks balancing between LIFE and clients.
So, let me ask you: are you structuring your life and a business in a way that you CONSTANTLY find yourself needing a break? If so, your travel might feel rewarding — but you deserve for your life *and* your business *and* your travel to feel rewarding.
And, I encourage you to structure your life and business in THAT way. Maybe it’s that you build time in your calendar to take breaks in the day. Maybe it’s raising your rates so you can take on less work or it’s delegating items to an assistant. Maybe it’s getting really, really clear on the life you want to live and doing some deep work to build a schedule that actually reflects that.
Because travel is beautiful, my friend. It’s beautiful. But it deserves to be paired with a LIFE that’s beautiful, too. Don’t just pick one, okay?
Something to think about. 🙂
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