A Look Inside My Daily Routine as an Agency Owner

If there’s one thing that always, always influences my days as an entrepreneur and agency, it’s my routine. I’m a creature of habit, and sticking to a daily structure whenever possible, makes a huge difference in everything from my productivity to my mental health.

Honestly, if you were to ask me my go-to business advice, a ROUTINE would be one of my first things. When you create a routine you love to follow, you’re truly able to maximize your work, feel calm, and find space in the day for the things you really, really love. And that routine could be 1 thing each day or 10…Whatever works for you.

And what’s better than that?!

A peek inside my daily routine

Usually, my days look pretty similar — but as an entrepreneur, I also have really flexible days that often allow for things like appointments, middle-of-the-day parent-teacher conferences, and noon massages. This is something that I’m really, really grateful for (hello, balance!) but also makes me cherish the routine I’ve built even more. I love a rhythm. 

Here’s what my days look like:

  • I wake up around 6:40, chug a cup of coffee, and take my kids to school.
  • I usually get home from dropping them off around 8AM, and then fill and start the diffusers in my house (I looooove seasonal blends), make my bed, put my face on, and get dressed.
  • I hop on my treadmill, laptop in hand, and work/walk for anywhere from 20-90 minutes while I figure out what needs to be accomplished and get started for the day.
  • Once I’ve started work and gotten a nice chunk done, I typically do 15 minutes of strength training, 15 minutes of yoga, sit in the sauna for 15 or so minutes, and hop in the shower.
  • Back at my desk, I focus on everything from client meetings and email answering to managing Asana tasks and setting up ad campaigns.
  • I eat lunch around 12:30, and I usually try and squeeze in the time to eat while also doing any household things I can fit in, like laundry, scheduling appointments for the kids, ordering groceries, prepping dinner if needed, etc
  • Around 2:20, I head out to pick up my babies (who aren’t actually babies at all anymore), and then get home around 3. While they unwind, I answer emails or questions from my clients and team to round out the afternoon.
  • Once 4:30 hits, I really try to make family time my focus for the rest of the evening. I genuinely enjoy the people I work with and find a lot of the work exciting and rewarding, so I don’t mind working, but I’ve learned that I require a fair amount of down time on a weekly basis. Family time counts! (I also regularly get massages and see a hypnotherapist in addition to my yoga and workouts, which helps). 
  • Depending on how busy things are, I sometimes jump back on my laptop while Bryan and I are in bed watching TV.
  • Lights out by 10:30!

There you have it, friends! My daily routine as an entrepreneur, simplified. I highly, highly recommend you work on creating a structure you love, too. It makes the biggest difference. I promise.

November 20, 2023

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